What is the best dental procedure for missing teeth?

My Implant Dentist
4 min readOct 1, 2021


Most people believe that gaps in the mouth are unsightly and humiliating, so many patients request tooth replacement. You can do nothing about your missing tooth and have no significant health implications, as weird as it may sound. The region around the missing tooth will be simpler to clean if nothing is done about it. Visit treatment for missing teeth to learn more!

Some specialists, however, have a somewhat different viewpoint. Although missing teeth will not kill you, they can create a variety of health problems.

Top Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth

  • Dental implants
  • Implant-supported bridge
  • Tooth-supported bridge
  • Removable partial dentures
  • Flipper

Nowadays, dental implants are a very popular option. This is unsurprising considering that they can easily replace a single lost tooth. The implants are put in two steps. A post (typically titanium) is first inserted into the jawbone by the dental expert. After a few months, they place a crown on the post to ensure that the body will not reject it. Because of phase one and the fact that the body must fight the alien metal body implanted deep in the bone, many dentists dislike implants.

Partial and full dentures

Dentures are a popular choice for the elderly and those who have a large number of missing teeth when it comes to tooth replacement. Because they may be removed and changed in the mouth, they are less invasive than traditional braces. The two types of dentures offered are complete and partial dentures. The placement of full dentures might be traditional (placed a few months after the loss) or instantaneous (placed immediately after the loss) (inserted instantly after the loss).

The disadvantage of dentures is that it takes time for people to adjust to them because they do not feel like natural teeth. They also take a lot of upkeep and aren’t as long-lasting as other options (need relining, remaking or rebasing). This implies you’ll have to go to the dentist at least once a year. Dentures have the benefit of being a detachable option to bridges (partial dentures). They also don’t appear unnatural anymore, thanks to advancements in dental prostheses.

Do dental bridges have any risks or complications?

If you take appropriate care of your bridge, it can survive for many years without causing problems. If the surrounding teeth decay or the cement deteriorates, the bridge may collapse. Your provider may be able to re-attach the bridge with fresh cement if the supporting teeth are still healthy and undamaged.

What Types of Dental Bridges Are Available?

Dental bridges are divided into three categories:

  1. Traditional bridges include placing a crown on each side of the missing tooth or implant, with a pontic in between. Conventional bridges are constructed of porcelain fused to metal or ceramics and are the most prevalent bridge.
  2. A cantilever bridge is employed when just one side of the lost tooth or teeth has neighbouring teeth. Fortunately, this is no longer a common practice, and it is not recommended at the back of the mouth, where it might cause damage to neighboring teeth by placing excessive pressure on them.
  3. Porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, or plastic teeth and gums are supported by a metal or porcelain framework in Maryland bonded bridges (also known as resin-bonded bridges or Maryland bridges). On only one side of the bridge, metal or porcelain wings are connected to your natural teeth with dental cement.

Why Dental Implants Are The Best Option for Missing Teeth

Why Are Dental Implants the Best Alternative for Missing Teeth? How can your dentist help you regain your smile?

One of the first things that people notice about you is your smile. As a result, if you have a broken, damaged, or missing tooth, you may feel self-conscious and humiliated. Although your dentist can do a lot to salvage a damaged tooth, there are occasions when the damage is too extensive, and the tooth must be removed. Dental implants maybe you’re the best option if this occurs.

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My Implant Dentist — Dental Implants Brisbane
Address: Brisbane, QLD, AU 4000
Phone: (08) 9361 5544
Website: https://myimplantdentist.com.au/



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