How long do veneers last on teeth?

My Implant Dentist
5 min readJan 10, 2022


Porcelain veneers are incredibly thin ceramic coatings glued to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance, and they’re one of the most effective treatments to improve your smile. They’re also made to last, which is fortunate.

You won’t have to worry about them shattering just by biting into a piece of food because dental porcelain is typically just as robust as or stronger than natural enamel. Porcelain veneers last roughly ten years on average, but they can last even longer with proper care and maintenance. Many patients have porcelain veneers that have lasted for over 20 years and still look wonderful.

The way a patient cares for porcelain veneers after being placed has a lot to do with how long they last. For example, if the underlying natural teeth begin to decay due to poor oral hygiene, the veneers’ appearance will be seriously harmed. Veneers, like real teeth, can discolour if they are exposed to foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, wine, or dark-coloured berries regularly. Furthermore, while dental porcelain is quite durable, it does have its limitations. A veneer may break if you chew on a piece of ice, for example, but this is also true of natural teeth, which is why you should avoid eating tough objects. Learn more for affordable veneers in South Perth

When Are Dental Veneers Used?

Dental veneers are commonly used to improve the appearance of stained or discoloured teeth, which a variety of circumstances can cause. Teeth discolouration is a well-known side effect of the antibiotic tetracycline and a few other medications. Tooth discolouration can also be caused by root canal treatments and excessive fluoride use. Heavy consumption of red wine, coffee, or tea can also cause discolouration in some people.

Dental veneers can also be used to modify the shape of chipped, uneven, crooked, or worn-down teeth fast, effectively, and painlessly. Veneers can also be used to repair tiny gaps in teeth. Veneers are a good intermediate choice for people who wish to change the shape or colour of their teeth but don’t need a crown since their problems aren’t severe enough.

Veneers also have a unique benefit over crowns in that they require very little modification to the original teeth. “How long do veneers last on front teeth?” you might question. People can also choose to wear dental crowns as an option if they desire a more permanent treatment.

How Are Veneers Fitted?

We shall examine the teeth after verifying that the patient is a good candidate for veneers. The impression will then be sent to a laboratory, where the veneer will be custom-made for the patient. We shall remove a small portion of the enamel from the teeth before placing the veneer in order to shape a smooth appearance after the veneer is placed.

The veneer is then placed on the tooth and checked to ensure that it is the correct shape and color. Removing, shaping, and trimming the veneer one or more times is common to ensure that it fits precisely. We will glue the veneer to the tooth when the patient agrees of its appearance and feel.

The Benefits of Veneers

The hue of the veneer will be so similar to the original teeth that it will be difficult to tell them apart. Porcelain veneers offer a benefit over resin veneers in that they reflect more light, giving them a more natural appearance. Porcelain is also inherently stain-resistant, making it more resistant to coffee or red wine than dental enamel.

On the other hand, dental veneers provide advantages that go beyond aesthetics. This tiny covering of material attached to the underlying tooth serves to protect it from future harm. However, this does not imply that the veneer will preserve the tooth any better than natural enamel against cavities and decay. The patient will still need to follow a proper dental hygiene practice that includes brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting the dentist for regular examinations and cleanings.

How long do veneers last?

The longevity of dental veneers is determined by whether they are porcelain or composite and how well they are cared for. Porcelain laminate veneers have a 10- to 12-year lifespan. Composite resin veneers should be replaced sooner rather than later, as they only last 4 to 8 years.

What is the difference between composite and porcelain veneers?

Composite veneers are constructed of a synthetic resin (plastic) and glass mixture that is put one layer at a time to the tooth. Veneers made of porcelain laminate are thin “shells” that are attached to the front of the teeth. Taking a deeper look at composite veneers

  • Porcelain veneers are more pricey.
  • Chips and cracks are easy to fix.
  • Natural teeth have less enamel removed.

Potential disadvantages:

  • Stains show up more easily and have less endurance.
  • Porcelain veneers have a shorter lifespan.

Composite veneers do not appear as natural as porcelain veneers, and they are bulkier.

A closer examination of porcelain veneers… Benefits:

  • Composite veneers are less durable and stain resistant.
  • Aesthetics that are really natural
  • longer life expectancy

Potential disadvantages: Veneers that have been damaged cannot be fixed; they must be replaced.

  • It takes longer to complete treatment (normally 3 days)

Where should I get my veneers?

Any qualified dentist can apply veneers on your teeth, but if you have the option, find a dentist who will let you “test drive” your new smile before committing to a treatment plan. This prevents you from squandering money on unsatisfactory results.

Do veneers ruin teeth?

We get this common question as one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments. In a nutshell, the answer is no. Porcelain veneers do not harm your teeth in any way.

How often do veneers need to be replaced?

Veneers are routinely replaced 15–20 years after they are installed. Chipped or cracked porcelain veneers are some of the symptoms that it’s time to replace.

Do veneers shorten your life?

With proper oral hygiene and routine dental care, porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years. Poor oral hygiene habits and inadvertent injury can both limit the lifespan of veneers.

What don’t they tell you about veneers?

Many people believe that porcelain veneers will stain and become unsightly rapidly, but this is not the case. Porcelain veneers have a high stain resistance. Unlike your teeth, which have pores that allow stains to penetrate, they have a glossy coating that inhibits staining molecules from permeating the veneer.

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My Implant Dentist — Dental veneers Perth
Address: South Perth WA 6151, Australia
Phone: (08) 9361 5544



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