Can Dental Implant Be Removed?

My Implant Dentist
3 min readDec 15, 2021


It’s extremely rare for a tooth implant to cause complications, but it does happen. When a skilled oral surgeon performs the procedure, the majority of dental implant installations are successful and quick. Other factors that can influence the success of a dental implant include the device’s positioning and the patient’s bone tissue health.

When a dental implant fails, it is critical to remove it — and possibly replace it — as soon as possible to avoid further complications. After the implants are removed, the affected area is repaired. A new tooth implant can be placed if there is still enough healthy bone tissue left over.

Dental Implants Are Removed For A Variety of Reasons

One distinguishing feature of dental implants is that they are surgically implanted into the jawbone. Implants, like natural teeth, require daily cleaning and maintenance with a toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, floss, or a Waterpik device, as well as professional dental cleanings at least twice a year. For a variety of reasons, an implant may need to be removed. The most common problem is implant device failure, which can be caused by:

  • Underneath the gumline, there is an infection.
  • A post or abutment that is loose.
  • Affecting the facial nerves or causing a sinus displacement
  • Rejection of an implant

How Does A Dental Implant Removed

Dental implants are typically removed using one of two methods. One of them necessitates the use of a trough bur, which is a cutting instrument. This device is used to cut the bone tissue that holds the implant in place in a safe manner. Only a small amount of bone tissue is removed, usually less than 1 mm. This is usually enough to loosen the implant enough to remove it.

The area is cleaned after the implant is removed. After that, the oral surgeon will examine the area to see if bone grafting is needed to replace the missing bone tissue. In order to prepare for a replacement, the area must be restored.

Some healthy bone tissue may be removed to clear the area depending on the position of the dental prosthetic. In no way is the procedure traumatic or painful. As the trough bur cuts through the bone, the patent will only feel heat.

Nowadays, a device known as an adapter is used to remove implants in a more tech-savvy manner. This eliminates the need for the oral surgeon to cut through bone tissue to remove the implant. The adapter is a device that can generate a lot of torque, loosening the implant and removing it from the bone.

However, an adapter will not be able to remove all implants. The bone tissue that holds the implant in place can sometimes form such a strong bond that it is necessary to remove some of it in order to loosen it. In such cases, a small amount of bone tissue is removed before the tooth is pulled out with an adapter.

The fact that removing implants with an adapter typically does not require the removal of healthy bone tissue means that a new implant can be placed right away.

After the Dental Implant Removal

You will be given specific postoperative instructions to help you manage any swelling or soreness that may occur as a result of oral surgery. You may need to take pain killers, follow a soft-foods diet for a while, and finish an antibiotic course. It’s critical that you keep all of your follow-up appointments with your dentist so that they can track your progress.



My Implant Dentist

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