Are Dental Implants Procedure Safe?

My Implant Dentist
4 min readDec 14, 2021


Because of their numerous benefits, dental implants have become the preferred procedure for replacing missing teeth among dentists. Is it, however, safe for everyone? Are there any situations in which a dental implant should not be used? Keep reading to learn more.

Dental Implants Advantages

Dentists are increasingly recommending dental implants to replace missing teeth caused by accidents, decay, or disease.


With a 95% success rate, dental implants are one of the most dependable dental procedures.

Furthermore, implants provide benefits that other tooth replacement options do not, such as:

  • Appearance — Implants have the appearance and feel of natural teeth.
  • Speech — There’s no need to be concerned about slurred speech caused by slipping dentures or loose bridges.
  • Comfort — Because implants are permanent and stable, there will be no chaffing or discomfort, as with dentures.
  • Oral health — Unlike a bridge, implant placement does not necessitate the modification of surrounding teeth. Implants also prevent bone deterioration and promote the growth of healthy bone tissue.

When it comes to your treatment, your dentist wants you to have the best results possible. That’s why, instead of a bridge or simple dentures, they’ll usually recommend dental implants.

But this begs the question: can anyone benefit from dental implants?

Who is Eligible For Dental Implants?

Dental implants have been used safely and successfully in patients with good oral and overall health for over 50 years.

There are a few conditions that could prevent implants from being used right away, including:

  • Active periodontitis is a condition in which the gums are inflamed.
  • Insufficient healthy bone tissue to support the implant
  • Diabetes or heart disease are examples of pre-existing chronic diseases.

However, having these conditions does not automatically disqualify you from receiving a dental implant.

If you have gum disease, your dentist can use periodontal treatment to help you restore your gum tissue’s health.

A bone tissue graft can often be used to fill in gaps in the bone tissue, allowing for the successful placement of an implant.

In the case of pre-existing disorders, your dentist will have to make a decision about whether or not to place an implant based on your unique health situation.

However, there are a few rare circumstances in which your dentist should avoid using implants.

Who isn’t a Candidate For Implants?

A dental implant is made of titanium alloys that are both durable and strong.

For the most part, titanium is biocompatible.

If you are one of the few people who is sensitive to copper, zinc, lead, or nickel, your dentist may recommend that you replace your teeth with a different dental solution.

Also, if you have other metal fillings in your mouth, they may interact negatively with a titanium implant in some cases. Your dentist will be able to tell you if these other metals make dental implants impossible to use.

Dental implants in Brisbane may not be the best option for you if you are a heavy smoker who refuses to quit.

Is it Safe To Have Dental Implants?

What is the complexity of the implant procedure? How long do you think it’ll take? Is it secure?

Dental implants are an oral surgery procedure that should only be performed by a licensed dentist.

Dr. Kent Tan of My Implant Dentist has completed advanced training in implant dentistry and oral surgery, so you’re in good hands.

An example of what to expect during an implant procedure is as follows:

The first step is a comprehensive exam and consultation with your dental implants team, who will use the most up-to-date dental technology. The experts will devise a detailed treatment plan that is tailored to your specific requirements.

The team will place your implant, which acts as a replacement tooth root, at your next appointment. During the procedure, a local anesthetic is used to keep you comfortable and pain-free.

It is allowed for the implant to heal and integrate with the bone tissue. It may take a few months to complete this step.

A small connector called an abutment is attached to the implant once it has bonded with the underlying bone tissue.

To create a custom crown to replace a single tooth or an implant-supported bridge or denture to replace multiple missing teeth, impressions of your teeth are taken. Crown restorations are tinted to match your natural teeth and blend in seamlessly.

The implant receives the completed crown, bridge, or denture (s). Your new teeth are all set to go.

Throughout your procedure, your dental team and implant dentist in Brisbane will keep a close eye on you and ensure that you are comfortable.

Implants function and feel like natural teeth once they’ve been placed.

You can eat all of your favorite foods again and smile with complete confidence, knowing that your smile is at its best.



My Implant Dentist

Affordable Tooth Implant Options. Top-rated dentists in Perth who take your insurance and match your needs. Call My Implant Dentist at (08) 9361 5544 today!